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hamoudi mosque

hamoudi mosque

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • ArshadBholim
    The mosque is cradled in the middle of the market with close proximity to the bus park and the rest of the town. Though the mosque is a historical building and of significant religious importance it is quite unfortunate to see that it has not been as well maintained as it should have been. .History lovers would relish the experience of examining the old architecture...but that is it...Beware "Bored police officers and overzealous guides and street urchins....in the vicinity!!"Fair place to visit...wouldn't go out of my way though...
  • KGB777
    Located near the market area this is worth a visit for the photo opportunity. Within easy walking distance of the city centre.
  • guz0
    its at the heart of Djibouti city market. Its is very beautiful tobe around on Friday, for the paryer day.
  • flyingman44
    ilginç birşey bulamadım ama kentin kolonizasyon dönemindeki yapısı korunmuş temizlik ölçütleri bizden farklı
  • Bahar_Dar
    Gostei muito da Mesquita por sua linda arquitetura Islâmica. É a atração mais famosa do bairro Africano e nos da a sensação de estar num encontro de diversas culturas: Africana, Islâmica e Europeia. Logo apos a Mesquita começa o bairro Europeu.
  • yacinw
    haaaaaaa que s est vraiment bien de faire le ramadan tout l année pour bien écoute l appel a la prière de cher...
  • sventrachsel
    diese Moschee ist zwar schön, wenn man sonst Djibouti stadt betrachtet, hat man das Gefühl, dass die Moschee eigentlich die einzige wirkliche Sehenswürdigkeit ist. Insgesamt muss ich aber sagen, dass ich schon schönere Moscheen in anderen Ländern gesehen habe. Wenn man aber schon in Djibouti ist sollte man diese Moschee sicherlich begutachten.
  • わたか
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