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nashua national fish hatchery

nashua national fish hatchery

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • foodster
    Friendly staff... knoweldgeable..... a good way to spend an hour or so learning about how we help to sustain wildlife - including catch-and-release game fish.
  • HSMBoston
    Apparently the hatchery is out of the salmon business. The fish runs are canvas'd over and we only found 2 windows into the actual runs. Some fish are in there but there is only 1 main sign and no sign of any employees. Not a very interesting place to visit right now.
  • abbyrobertson
    Its worth a stop to check it out. I liked seeing the different size fish and love that they stock the local streams. I hope this never ends.
  • katieteacher
    It was interesting to bring the grand kids to show them a 4 foot salmon that would soon be released into the Merrimack. Who knows that this place even exists? Interesting but very quick to view.
  • ANNN861
    We called ahead for a cub scout visit; a guided informative tour as prepared& ready to start on our arrival. the boys joked about a GREAT SPOT togoishing & promised/threatened to return w/ poles, hooks 7 bait . We were all interested in & fascinated by the different stages of the fish on display; from tiny fingerlings to fully grown No cost or fee makes it a very goodd place for groups like schools & scouts
  • EmmaRhoyds
    I visited with my young son. The drunken sole employee became annoyed at our presence and said it was not a museum. I explained that I might help him swim with the fish before ripping his head off. He changed his tune and came back with a federal wildlife coloring book for my son. He is lucky he did. Jerk gets paid to sit and drink.
  • MinisterCraig
    We had a great time here with our grandson Finn . Thank you Annabel for the tour we enjoyed learning about the Atlantic Salmon and what you do to protect them in services to others !!! We will be back again with some drawings to share !! Thanks again The Barnabys from Derry NH
  • archlav
    its a fun morning or afternoon drive to exit 6 in nashua. you can see the little fish and the tanks where they are placed. the rate of which they grow and how they are taken care off. at the end of it you see how big they get.
  • nashuanative06
    When I went we just got to look inside one of the domes at the fish inside and there was no tour of any sort--really quick visit.
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