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greene-sullivan state forest

greene-sullivan state forest

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • davesellshouses
    I've been going to Greene-Sullivan State Forest for over 20 years. We generally stay at the Park Inn in Linton, Indiana. It's a FABULOUS weekend or day-trip getaway from Indianapolis. Loads of great fishing ponds, some larger lakes, miles and miles of hiking trails. There is first class deer-hunting and turkey hunting! Whenever I go to Greene-Sullivan State Forest, I feel like I'm "where I belong"!!However, I have to be honest....my most recent trip was yesterday, 26APR14, and it saddens me to see the amount of trash that people leave there. Since few people travel there as a destination, I have to assume most of the trash is from locals, who just have no appreciation for the beauty that they destroy by leaving their beer cans, plastic bags and bottles, and all sorts of misc junk. Don't let that stop you though....Greene-Sullivan State Forest is a wonderful place for nature lovers to visit!
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