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sigona's farmers market

sigona's farmers market

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍


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    I love going to Sigona's Farmers Market at Stanford Shopping Center. First, the amazing vegetables and fruits are so colorful and so good. They are locally grown and are organic. They always seem to have the best produce. There is also very good fresh press and seasonal olive oils and balsamics on sell; there is a tasting station so one can decide which one to buy this time.For cheese, yum. They have the best and over 250 different cheeses. There is other local and globally sourced specialty foods; I like their pasta for example.They also have very good nuts. And for that special touch, they also have nice floweres.In addition, they have excellent service.Although they do not have the lowest prices, the quality of their products is amazing.Its worth just going to Stanford Shopping Center to go here. They are a family owned business and also have a place in Redwood City.
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