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centro de interpretação ambiental caldeira velha

centro de interpretação ambiental caldeira velha

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍

    Caldeira Velha is a protected area classified as a Natural Monument of Sao...


  • cmsmith4105
    You must visit this natural monument while visiting Sao Miguel - don't forget your bathing suit and towel. It is beautiful!!! We felt like we were walking into a rainforest as we came down the path towards the caldeira and mineral water pools. We took a dip in the upper pool first, which has the stunning waterfall you see in all the tourism photos. This pool is warm, not hot. Then we went into the hot pool, and it was fabulous! Just watch your step in both pools because there are uneven rocks on the bottom (it is nature after all).We spent plenty of time enjoying the tranquillity, especially since we were the only ones in the pool (February is a great time to visit the island). There is an educational centre to learn more about the volcanic activity on the island, and washrooms and showers are available as well. It was only 2 euros per person, and was one of my favourite spots on the island.
  • Sharice49249
    Only 2 Euros to enter. There was a superb museum revolving around the volcanism on the island. Then there is the bubbling spring area where the volcanic gases are coming out and then they direct this water to an amazing pool where you can soak. It is warm like a hot tub. They have great changing areas and then the waterfall in the back with a pool that is a bit colder. It is good to see even if you are only soaking your toes.
  • JuliaM302
    We loved our visit. It's like stepping into El Yunque, except you're not in Puerto Rico. The pool at the top is cooler but you can get a nice "massage" from the waterfall. The lower pool is supposedly about 110 F, and it's pretty great. It's like a hot tub in the middle of the "jungle!" I forget how much it costs, but it's very inexpensive for what you get. Nice area for changing, etc. Loved it!
  • lcsugarfarm
    I had seen photos but it was really fun to see the hot springs in real life. Just a few bathers, and dressing rooms available. Even though there were more people here than anywhere we visited, there were only about 8 in the hot pool. The cooler pool under the upper waterfall was empty. Just beyond it we saw where the old parking lot had been before the steep sides of the cliff fell. You feel like you are seeing the beauty at the moment, and if you return things will be different. The trails were good and the interpretation center had exhibits about the volcanic activity.
  • Sam1223
    We came here on a tour but the tour was not long enough. We had about 35 minutes and we could have used an hour. The vegetation was lush and jungly. The pathways were well layed out and the hot springs were great. The one spring was bubbling with heat and really too hot to touch. The one for bathing was about 30 degrees centigrade but we did not have time to go in. This place is a "must see" on the island.
  • Piret1
    We found this place after hours of driving and searching. More than botanic garden but less than real rain forest. At the end of September there was one hot spring pool where water was +32 degrees, other one was pretty cool, not for relaxing inside it. After bathing there was able to take a shower, only with cold water. Still - nice place with wonderful nature.
  • jokerji
    Everything in Sao Miguel can easily be rated #1. Beautiful island and a slice of paradise. This place is no different. Talking about the entrance, it is 1Eu per person if it's a family. The hot springs are really hot, and the hot waterfall area was lukewarm. You can easily spend a few hours in the area..
  • marionm728
    Come here with a tour guide as it is not easy to find. Bring your bathing suit and a towel as there are change rooms there. There's one pool that is 21 degrees Celsius and another That is 35 degrees Celsius. The former is gorgeous with a waterfall background. Gardens are manicured well. Staff there are friendly to tourists and actually speak English!
  • 10kiaras
    Nicknamed "Jurassic Park" because of the enormous ferns, this feels a bit like a mini rainforest, very lush and green. There are a couple of natural hot springs, one higher up with a beautiful large waterfall and another smaller, warmer one. These are natural and therefore, aren't pristine clean, so expect a bit of natural debris in the water. There are small change room facilities but no lockers - you will be given a plastic basket (like a laundry basket) to keep your belongings in (you take them with you). The facilities are basic, but it's definitely worth the experience to enjoy the natural pools.
  • GeneRusso
    Enjoy everything this area of Sao Miguel has to offer. Beautiful lush gardens and forest. Nice to just walk and enjoy the area. Spend some time in the hot baths, most relaxing feeling and enjoyment you will have. Great place for taking pictures. Will visit again soon.
  • gth2k
    We took a day tour with Amazing tour(recommended see my other review). Beautiful garden among natural forest, Great destination before ending a long day tour, you can enjoy soaking in natural hot spring bath, very soothing and relaxing. There are two pools the one on the top is hotter and the lower one is more comfortable, but sometimes too many people, but they all nice and friendly. We all enjoyed this natural beauty. Recommended....
  • skot456
    The forest is beautiful. every where you turn there is a photo op. I couldn't stop taking pictures and enjoying the tranquility of the property
  • saphira1969
    do not miss this place among the forest. It is so nice to stay in the warm water among the trees and nice people. The staff is very nice and welcoming.
  • Mark_Dornoch
    A good place to spend an hour after walking up at Lagoa do Fogo. I actually preferred the experience of being under the waterfall at the top pool. The warmer pool further down is more crowded and prone to considerable sediment disbursement which means a lot of bits sticking to you. The shower after although cold and refreshing is necessary to clean yourself.The visitor centre is also worth a look. Very interesting.2 euro admission charge per adult is very reasonable.
  • Laura82_13
    A pleasant surprise how beautiful and cheap (2 EUR), this attraction was. Perfect for a few hours of relaxation in the hot pools, a picnic and a walk in the amazing forest. The top pool is a bit chilly, so swim in this one first if you can, don't forget to have a dunk under the waterfall - this part is lovely and warm! Then make your way down to the warmest pool at the bottom (opposite the changing area and mini exhibition), you can stay in this one for hours :) Tip - remove jewellery before going in the pools and wear a dark coloured swim suit or an old one if you have one with you.
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