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the rock castle sloup

the rock castle sloup

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍


  • Souterrains
    The site is a beauty. A nice castle, cut out in a free standing giant rock. Galleries and rooms to walk through and all. The views are good and there is a lot of info, also in English. What I liked most about the site is the small-touristic-experience. It is not overrun, prices are cheap, the stalls offer simple tourist stuff for cheap prices and it has the atmosphere of a relaxing place. We had some fun here.
  • Martijn_1978
    It was very nice to walk around the castle and to read about the history of the castle. You can easily spend one or two hours in the castle that also gives great views of the area.
  • 700michaelab
    Sloup v Cechach is a small place but with many great sites - there is the castle rock you can visit. There a beautiful country site and nice overview. If you get close to the area, definitely visit this place. It is romantic, calm and you can also to go swimming to a pond in camp.
  • Leszek2601
    W piaskowcowej skale o wysokości 33 m mieszczą się ruiny XIII wiecznego zamku oraz XVII wieczna pustelnia. Pomieszczenia wykute przez mnichów w kamieniu, piękne widoki, oryginalny obiekt. Zdecydowanie warty zobaczenia
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