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sunbury visitor information centre

sunbury visitor information centre

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • nbrown1
    Had the need to ask a few questions here and the lady was very helpful, with tips on places to go and how to get there. If only all places were like this !
  • RickNDeb2Go
    Very friendly and helpful people work here. They are well informed and well equipped with maps, guides and knowledge... this is a must stop if you're new in the area.
  • 650cazzm
    Friendly, helpful staff and loads of info about the area. Would be great if they were open every day to promote our great town.
  • Vicki_Dave2013
    Thank you for your kind review. Our volunteers are a wonderful source of information and are extremely passionate about their local area. I am glad they were able to assist you and we hope that you come back and see us!
  • charminglass
    We often visit the Sunbury Visitor Info centre if we are travelling to other parts of the state as they seem to have info and brochures on all areas. If we have visitors coming we go there to find out what events will be on in the Sunbury Macedon Ranges area whilst our guests are with us. They are also able to help out with current events in the city of Melbourne as well. The centre seems to be run by mainly volunteers and though we usuually get a different person they have always been helpful and proud of their area.
  • A_232_jay
    As the old courthouse the building itself is steeped in history. They are happy for photos to be taken within with the court bench and hammer. They also have plenty of information about almost anything in Sunbury and surrounds
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