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beechworth telegraph station

beechworth telegraph station

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • GeoffS256
    The title does say it all - a little difficult to make this one overly interesting unless telegraphs and morse code happens to be a passion !
  • StuartM906
    This is what it was like in the gold rush days. Unchanged since then. Loved watching the Morse code operator at work.
  • pomexpat
    The volunteer guides have much to tell about the history of this place and in particular how telegraphy played a part in the Ned Kelly story. But for me the highlight is the room with recorded reminiscences of those who lived and worked in Beechworth across the years.
  • Mbao555
    This place is more likely a telegraph museum, it has many collections such as telephone booth and mos code senders. It seems also included a train collection at back but we didn't go through as we were tight on time. The lady in charge was very friendly and she told us alot about old times telegraph, also she sent a mos code telegraph for us to our home, only asking for $2, I am exciting looking forward to receive it after 2 weeks!
  • Crystalline4u
    We wandered in here and for a couple of dollars we were able to send a telegram. The gentleman even gave me the opportunity to use the telegram machine...which was fascinating. He was also happy to answer our questions. The idea of sending a telegram is and old fashioned and charming one...so slip back in time and send one. The station has interesting historical facts to share...and it's free to wander in.
  • symeshep
    Very informative!! A blast from the past!! Saw some forms of communication that brought back memories! Gold coin donation worth it....thankyou!!
  • Shaz036
    We sent a telegram home to our son, when we rang him he said he was amazed and had not seen anything like it, it only cost $2 what great value and education this was great to see.
  • 415PeterH415
    We were made to feel welcome on entry . very entertaining and took us back many years to the old day of the Post Office as it once was.
  • 130sandrab130
    Nicely renovated. Very interesting and informative displays pertinent to the location. I would have enjoyed Listening to more of the stories. Too much to see!
  • M00nTraveller
    This was another insight into early communication.Do as part of a multi building tour package available at Tourist info.
  • 989bene
    very interesing place and great fun for the kids or the whole family, step back in time and enjoy, visited and loved it, very impressed, nice work
  • sjwmkelly
    Come and meet Leo an ex postmaster who learnt the art of morse in his first job.Leo is a wealth of knowledge about telegraph and the early development of Beechworth.The telephone conversations that are available are of great value.Listen to past and present members of the Beechworth community explain what life was like in the past.Great for adults as well as teaching our children some real history in the age of new technology.
  • Andy3121
    The Telegraph Station will not take you long. The volunteers are very friendly and it is worth just spending 5-10 minutes in each room. They have done an amazing job preserving some of the exhibits.
  • DenisC209
    Visiting the Beechworth Telegraph Station over the Easter break, we were bound to come across young, school-age children for whom even the rotary dial phones on display must have seemed "ancient". The limitations of communication in Australian regional areas over the past 100 years is clearly exemplified in the museum pieces on display. Telegrams, morse code and early exchange boards must all appear so complicated and unnecessarily bulky to those of the younger generation who communicate every few minutes by just touching a screen on a device that fits in their pockets. The Telegraph Station has an air of authenticity helped by the volunteer staff who appear to fit behind the operators' desk very naturally. Not a long visit, but take the time to donate a 'gold coin' to see the added feature of the model train exhibit in the rear room. Again, not a big exhibit but worth visiting while you are there.
  • ww1guide
    Being ex RN and a telegraphist, the man gave me the chance to send morse code for the first time in 40 odd years. Cheers mate. A great visit and so interesting to see communications in pioneering days
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