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  • 等级:4A
  • 地址:湖北·宜昌
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 门票
    门票信息: 12元




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    三个女人夜游天然塔,平静的江水,偶有小船拍打的声音,宁静的夜空,偶有灰机划过的痕迹,很美好我在:#宜昌天然塔# #拼图#
  • wymanz2go
    The pagoda is very striking, and is situated in a nice park along the river. We were there on a Sunday afternoon, and there were a lot of brides and grooms having wedding pictures taken there. It's worth a visit.
  • arthur523
    the pagoda is a beautiful landmark, you can see the old and the new (bridge and buildings) leaving side by side by the river.the pagoda follows a very singular design in China, as not many pagodas keeper the FengShui style.it is a simple building, well preserved, but as many attractions in China the heads of the statues are no longer there as per cultural revolution.if you are at Yichang you should definitely pay a visit.
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